Sunday, January 1, 2017

the Monroe affect

the Monroe affect, was created long before there was a Dahlia Monroe, and there was just a girl named Dahlia Daigre. The Monroe affect is the inspiration of twisted tongues to the fat nights alone with pizza , emotions of upset,hurt an stereotype from 17 years. The Monroe affect is the inspiration and journey into becoming someone we are proud of. This Blog "The Monroe affect" is my gift to you, as a young woman of Color from nothing to working my way to accomplish everything i was told i couldn't be.I created this blog here in hopes the messages can inspire those to follow there passion. Just as myself once, who felt discouraged as a girl of mixed race at 5'5 and alone in hopes of looking to model and express myself in my passion. I am here too remind you its possible to be what you are passionate about despite stereotype and disproval. My goal is that you gain from my story an,all of the stories i share combined and we teach and help those just as we once were lost find self guidance to self love in confidence in the expression of our true self. Those apart of the Monroe affect, are people who became something everyone insinuated they couldn't or never imagined they could become.These are stories of people who pushed themselves to the core, alone with no helping hand. The stories of the Monroe affect are those encouraging to others in being who they want to be,an are proud of who they are.They do not live in fear of judgement in being who they are nor give a fuck about what you think of them, They know no limits and they have none. // This blog is my way of expressing to you as Dahlia Monroe, what i have done to lose the weight for the bikini body,and my healthy living habit tips and introducing the people i work with and come across with similar stories. From the four years what i have done to create the woman i am an continually transpire into becoming.Secondly with my advice to help you achieve the passion you wish to withhold.Everything in this blog is for all of you, all who have reached out to me for a variety of reasons.The answers are here for all of you and this is my message.The many stories i share with love an inspiration, that it help you become who you just as myself wanted to be. Let this blog be the reason you run that mile today and everyday next week, let this blog be the reason you aren't afraid to dance alone. Most importantly let this blog be the reason you find you- Your Dearest Friend Dahlia Monroe.

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